Laura, I hope you'll join the Zoom call on Feb 4 then, for paid subscribers where I'll answer any and all questions with the help of my daughter who writes the substack The Adventure Agenda, a resident of Barcelona for a year and who has lived in 3 other European countries. I will be writing about the move and life in Barcelona for all my readers but the practical, behind-the-scenes insights and guidance is an extra I'll be offering starting this year.
Yes I’d love to learn how to move to Spain. Our lives so similar. I am currently a caregiver.
Laura, I hope you'll join the Zoom call on Feb 4 then, for paid subscribers where I'll answer any and all questions with the help of my daughter who writes the substack The Adventure Agenda, a resident of Barcelona for a year and who has lived in 3 other European countries. I will be writing about the move and life in Barcelona for all my readers but the practical, behind-the-scenes insights and guidance is an extra I'll be offering starting this year.
Thank you ! I was just in Barcelona was so beautiful