Hi Amy, I'm hoping that by the time you read this comment, your pain has already reduced to a tolerable level. I like what you wrote here: "...my body is saying, Slow your roll, honey. It’s coming, but maybe not as fast as you’d like. Take your time."
It might very well be that discovering the physical limits of your body is part of the t…
Hi Amy, I'm hoping that by the time you read this comment, your pain has already reduced to a tolerable level. I like what you wrote here: "...my body is saying, Slow your roll, honey. It’s coming, but maybe not as fast as you’d like. Take your time."
It might very well be that discovering the physical limits of your body is part of the theme of Discovery this year!
I offer you the imagery of the stick figure inside a circle--being fully embodied, as something to meditate on.
I know it's hard to be still when our mind moves full throttle ahead of our body with plans of what to do next, especially when these plans are fueled by great enthusiasm, just like those on your wish list upon arriving in Spain. But I see that you're learning from the message from your precious body and taking it all in.
Take good care, Amy! Best wishes for your recovery, healing and embodiment.
I appreciate these very wise reminders, Louisa and your own kind words as my friend to remember to leave a cushion of time between all my very busy activities and events and plans and dreams. That stick figure being embodied inside the circle of her body rather than rushing ahead of it....I will think about that. I like that you pointed out part of the theme of Discovery this year may be discovering the limits of my body. I don't like it, the cost of the pain of this discovery, but I know that is is a necessary wake up call if i am going to resume a full active life.
Oh my dearest! I want to shower you with lots and lots of cushions. Yes, Time Cushions they are :-D
Sometimes we won't like the cost of our discoveries, but pain may be our wise body's final attempt to get us to listen in and not talk back. I've had that wakeup call in my mid-30s when my body couldn't take it anymore... the frozen back and then the huge tumors. So I learned to surrender to my body's will, painful bit by painful bit and paid the dear prices. It's never too late to heed the alarm bell, Amy, and I know you will overcome this challenge with a stronger body and more sustainable way of carrying it in the world. Your body is waiting patiently to support you in all the great adventures of your new chapter of life.
Let me gift you this: "Patience brings the roses." (I think it's a Czech proverb?) 🌹
Hi Amy, I'm hoping that by the time you read this comment, your pain has already reduced to a tolerable level. I like what you wrote here: "...my body is saying, Slow your roll, honey. It’s coming, but maybe not as fast as you’d like. Take your time."
It might very well be that discovering the physical limits of your body is part of the theme of Discovery this year!
I offer you the imagery of the stick figure inside a circle--being fully embodied, as something to meditate on.
I know it's hard to be still when our mind moves full throttle ahead of our body with plans of what to do next, especially when these plans are fueled by great enthusiasm, just like those on your wish list upon arriving in Spain. But I see that you're learning from the message from your precious body and taking it all in.
Take good care, Amy! Best wishes for your recovery, healing and embodiment.
I appreciate these very wise reminders, Louisa and your own kind words as my friend to remember to leave a cushion of time between all my very busy activities and events and plans and dreams. That stick figure being embodied inside the circle of her body rather than rushing ahead of it....I will think about that. I like that you pointed out part of the theme of Discovery this year may be discovering the limits of my body. I don't like it, the cost of the pain of this discovery, but I know that is is a necessary wake up call if i am going to resume a full active life.
Oh my dearest! I want to shower you with lots and lots of cushions. Yes, Time Cushions they are :-D
Sometimes we won't like the cost of our discoveries, but pain may be our wise body's final attempt to get us to listen in and not talk back. I've had that wakeup call in my mid-30s when my body couldn't take it anymore... the frozen back and then the huge tumors. So I learned to surrender to my body's will, painful bit by painful bit and paid the dear prices. It's never too late to heed the alarm bell, Amy, and I know you will overcome this challenge with a stronger body and more sustainable way of carrying it in the world. Your body is waiting patiently to support you in all the great adventures of your new chapter of life.
Let me gift you this: "Patience brings the roses." (I think it's a Czech proverb?) 🌹
Big hugs 💕
Beautiful and such supportive words, thank you dear one 💗