My dear friend, first, I am so sorry that you need to reschedule your adventure to Peru. Second, I am so very very glad you are listening to your body and sloooooowing down.
As for me and listening to my own body, I have learned. I have slowed down and now I do take the time to pause. To rest, to recover and recharge. I sometimes have to …
My dear friend, first, I am so sorry that you need to reschedule your adventure to Peru. Second, I am so very very glad you are listening to your body and sloooooowing down.
As for me and listening to my own body, I have learned. I have slowed down and now I do take the time to pause. To rest, to recover and recharge. I sometimes have to re-learn this skill. After all, we live in a culture that glorifies GO GO GO! I wonder if thinking about it in a slightly different way, "I am standing up to the cultural norm of hyper productivity with an act of resistance, I am choosing REST. <3
When I visit, let us go slooow while also enjoying. with so much love, Kristin
REST as an act of resistance. Yes! Do you know the work of Tricia Hersey and her Ministry of Naps? I have heard her interviewed on We Can Do Hard Things. What she is doing is revolutionary, especially to highlight how Black women are not "allowed" to rest even more so than White women in our culture.
My dear friend, first, I am so sorry that you need to reschedule your adventure to Peru. Second, I am so very very glad you are listening to your body and sloooooowing down.
As for me and listening to my own body, I have learned. I have slowed down and now I do take the time to pause. To rest, to recover and recharge. I sometimes have to re-learn this skill. After all, we live in a culture that glorifies GO GO GO! I wonder if thinking about it in a slightly different way, "I am standing up to the cultural norm of hyper productivity with an act of resistance, I am choosing REST. <3
When I visit, let us go slooow while also enjoying. with so much love, Kristin
REST as an act of resistance. Yes! Do you know the work of Tricia Hersey and her Ministry of Naps? I have heard her interviewed on We Can Do Hard Things. What she is doing is revolutionary, especially to highlight how Black women are not "allowed" to rest even more so than White women in our culture.
Thank you for your understanding words and kind encouragement.
Yes, I'm familiar with Tricia Hersey & Ministry of Naps. 🙏
May we all know rest is a right and let'sexerciseit whole honoring all of those for whom rest is so very hard to attain. 🩷