Thank you Allison. My adventurous spirit is indeed very sad to be missing this trip. But as you say my body has dug in her heels and she’s in charge now. I suspect there are silver linings to be found—and already one in the form of an extra visit from my daughter Sara.
Thank you Allison. My adventurous spirit is indeed very sad to be missing this trip. But as you say my body has dug in her heels and she’s in charge now. I suspect there are silver linings to be found—and already one in the form of an extra visit from my daughter Sara.
Thank you Allison. My adventurous spirit is indeed very sad to be missing this trip. But as you say my body has dug in her heels and she’s in charge now. I suspect there are silver linings to be found—and already one in the form of an extra visit from my daughter Sara.