So many D's! I love it. There is so much to explore in the world of Dating, Desire, Dreams, and Dharma. And we're all so lucky to have you exploring them publicly here on Substack!

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I have a similar divorce story, also two years ago, but in my 50s. We navigated it as well as we could, and learning to love myself for the first time has opened me to more love than I've ever had before. Starting over is a glorious, terrifying thing! Thank you for writing about this and for sharing these wonderful resources. I bookmarked a ton of episodes of Hotter Than Ever and can't wait to dig in.

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Hi Anne, so great to have you here!~ I am always heartened to hear more positive divorce stories as we hear about so many awful ones. So excited for you about all that self-love that has opened up for you. And you will love the Hotter than Ever episodes. Erin keeps it so real! It is the most honest, frank and supportive podcast on midlfe women's sexuality, sensuality, post-divorce dating life that I've come across.

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And we need more honest, frank discussion of women's sexuality in midlife and overall! I've found it rather hard to find.

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Amy - as you discover more and more of your destiny, I’ll be here devouring your words. You are one of the delights of Substack.

We evolve and fill into our shapes along the way. Thank goodness.

Pulling the Thread with Elise Loehnen is another great podcast -I believe you & I have mentioned our shared appreciation of this one in the past. This episode in particular really landed for me: When It’s Time to Leave w/Joy Sullivan


It’s a conversation about risk taking, on and off the page. Joy Sullivan’s poetry is so rich!

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Yes! I love Pulling the Thread and was going to name that one, too, but didn't want the newsletter to get overly long. I need to catch up on what Elise has been up to, and the fascinating people she's been chatting to. The one with Joy Sullivan--oh! I loved that one. Thank you for reminding me. I am making a list of all these great podcasts that speak to the moment of leaving, of taking a big chance, of acting on your bigger yes. Have you read Kelly McMasters The Leaving Season? It's a memoir in essay form, so you may find it interesting structurally as you work on your own memoir.

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Amy - I cannot even tell you how much you and I are on the same brain wave. It actually gives me goosebumps, my kindred friend! I did read the Leaving Season months ago and JUST pulled it off my bookshelf last week because I was talking about it with another writing friend when we were discussing books to look to for stylistic inspiration as I embrace book proposal/ comparable titles, etc.

Thanks for the suggestion xoxoxo

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Depth is the word that resonates for me. Its where I want to spend my time- in conversation, in my work, the depth of inner work, in relationship, in relating to the planet, the universe. It feels related to the preciousness of our lives. And dancing seems good too!

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Depth! Dancing! How wonderful to have these added to my "D" list. Thanks Alecia. I agree with you on the potency of depth. Do you know Ben Howard's song "Depth over Distance." ?It's a beauty. And I love to dance. Most often these days, on my own, as I walk the beach, in my living room..when ever the spirit moves me.

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Jun 18Liked by Amy Brown

Wonderful transition in to the new “D’s” of your life. I was curious what path you would take now that some of your “D’s” are behind you, although still part of your life. Your new journey is exciting. Can’t wait to read what you will do next.

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Thank you Sallie, for being here and following along! I am excited too....

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by Amy Brown

Amy, love witnessing your story expand. So many delicious Ds to explore!♡

And as a woman, who post divorce in her 40s through her early 50s enjoyed fabulous flings with younger partners, I can highly recommend the fun of exploration across age. 😀🔥🩷 As a means of self exploration too. I found so often my energy attracted younger partners, so why not enjoy?

Excited for your continued journey ♡

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This is exactly what I've been thinking, my friend. Good to hear your positive expriences.

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Jun 18Liked by Amy Brown

Perhaps over iced tea, we can have a fun conversation about the positive aspects of mutually consenting flings 😀

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Mmm....would love that. Let's plan it soon!

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So many D's that Define our Desires. Informed by Dreams we Dawdle, Diddle and Delight Daily.

FYI here's another take:


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Ooooh, what great D words, Gary, thank you. Diddle makes me giggle. Will enjoy reading your take on it.

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Hi Amy, I look forward to reading more about your journey as you encounter more Ds - adventures, revelry and fun.

It's been a 'Bridgerton' week here ;-)

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Thank you Victoria, and glad you've been enjoying a Bridgerton week--I don't follow the show, so not sure if that means you are binge watching it or it references something else. You will have to let me know!

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😁 Binge watched the latest season of the series ;-) You may want to start watching it binge-worthy xo

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I can also highly recommend Bridgerton 😜

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I actually don't own a TV anymore and only read these days. It's what calls to me. But if I should want a good series to stream on my computer at some point, I will check it out.

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