Amy, I’m so excited to experience this adventure through you! I am a big fan of hiking memoirs I’ve been feeling the call for a hike like this one, and I’ve wondered if I have the wherewithal for the Pacific Crest Trail and Appalachian Trail. The El Camino feels more my speed these days. But I have so many questions about the mechanics of writing about this experience. Did you take notes along the way? Did you plan the format of this series before you left? So many questions!!

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs agoAuthor

Hi Kristi! Thanks for this comment. You know, I hadn't realized that my six-part series would be the bones of a hiking memoir but indeed it could be! Thanks for piquing my interest in exploring that. As for writing about the experience, I hadn't planned the format of this series before I left, I didn't have an inkling that I would write a series. It evolved as I walked, and in conversation with my daughter. It took shape with the thoughts in my head, as many hours of walking in nature tend to do for me. I did journal a little every night, in a very special diary that was my grandmother's travel abroad diary from her first trip to Europe and Israel in 1969. My daughter and I wrote in the little book each night and I also had a separate journal and occasionally recorded bursts of inspiration in the Notes function on my phone. But really, the series didn't take shape until close to the end of the journey. Even now I don't know exactly what I will share in each part, but from past experience, I know the words will come.

As for wondering about the wherewithal for hiking the PCT and AT, one of our new friends on the Camino has hiked both of those trails, an American woman who was a delight to meet, and I'd be happy to put you in touch with her. Walking the Camino is less demanding, i think, in terms of time and effort. You can do the Portugese route in less than 2 weeks. I hope you consider it!

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A lovely read and so poignant as I relate to many aspects here.

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Thanks, Laura, for your kind words and for resonating with what I had to share.

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16 hrs agoLiked by Amy Brown

Oh what a beautiful and poignant pilgrimage you've shared! So happy for you and Marielle having been able to do the Camino together. This path is something I wish to do. Though I'm unsure if I wish to do it solo, not because of any fear, because it seems a journey worth being able to share in the moment. I'm quite unsure who I would invite to join me.

Thank you again for so generously sharing your experiences. I love your song collection idea too! I used to do thos on couchsurfing travels and made many a mix-tape. ♡

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Kristin, thank you for your lovely response. I appreciate that you've taken the time to read and comment. I am so grateful that Marielle and I could do this together--now if only Sara, my youngest, could have joined us! Perhaps one day....I understand about your desire to do the walk with another person, because there is so much to share, and a great deal of support one can gain by encouraging each other. I would love to do part of this Camino path or another again one day....so maybe we can do it together. How fun that you too collect songs. Music is such a connector of people and it means something different to everyone. Of the nearly 60 people we gathered songs from, not one person had the same song. Interesting, isn't it?

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Love that 60 people chose 60 different songs!♡

I look forward to hearing/reading more about your Camino experiences ♡

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