I had no idea what you were going through during our time together. I guess I was too caught up in my own mind. Incredibly written, as always.

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Dearest Becca, your presence and friendship even though you didn't know what was going on with me was so healing during our days in Hawaii. I am grateful you came into my life. We are all always "too caught up in our own minds." It's the human condition. And thank you for leaving a comment, for being a subscriber and for your kind words.

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I love how you write, Amy.

I’ve been a soul sister of yours on this journey you’ve been on. I’ve been watching you gracefully, intentionally and without shame, choose the life of your dreams, while untangling and letting go of whats no longer bringing you joy. I’m in awe of your process and fortitude.

You inspire ❤️

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Listening to myself has been my biggest challenge. I spent a lifetime ignoring what my body was telling me, and it’s only been in the last year and a half as I transitioned to intuitive eating that I have begun to cultivate the skills needed to tap into my inner wisdom and trust myself. Making decisions is still difficult, but I have more tools to do it now, because I am more connected to myself.

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I can so relate to this, Kristi, about having valuable tools to stay connected to ourselves even in the face of difficult times. I can see how this way of thinking would apply to eating too. I am looking forward to exploring your Substack and understanding more about intuitive eating. That makes a lot of sense to me.

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thank you for this Amy; forwarded to a few women i know on the brink of shifting their relationships also.

"Once you are on a path of relational reckoning, you can’t get back on the path you were on when you were willfully oblivious or willing to stay suspended in your hopes of how things might be different. Now you are very aware of your wants and needs in a relationship and that these are not being met and that this is not okay. And now, you have to make a choice. Once you know you can’t unknow.”

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Thank you Elena, I am so glad it resonated with you and that you felt it could help other women in a similar situation. That is why I am here, writing every week--in the hopes that my words and my own healing journey can bring another person some deeper awareness and the solace they are not alone.

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This is beautifully tender, Amy. I especially appreciate how your right matched therapist (it takes a bit to find the right one, I’m learning!) nudged you towards your soul, rather than/deeper than your heart. It compliments all the teachings from the Bigger Yes (I still go back to Laura’s meditations from that course!).

This piece reminded me of a saying that stuck onto me the moment I first heard it: if the answer wasn’t already within you, you would not be able to formulate the question. You knew to go. Your soul knew to go. And look at you now. ✨✨✨🫶🫶

I always look forward to reading your words!

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Thank you Allison for witnessing my words so thoughtfully and in the way I intended. Like you, I go back to Laura's meditations often. Thanks for sharing that memorable saying and the reminder the answer was within me. It is a reminder I can use in many other situations in the future when I know that I am compromising myself and my dreams and my truest self.

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