Thank you Kristin! Love your 5 ‘C’s! And your letter to yourself idea. Borrowing! I would love to see you bring Kintsugi and your other wonderful offerings to more people this year too!💗

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Amy, I love that you've chosen Abundance as your word with Freedom & Flow as sisters/companions. May it be so. Gosh, it already is. ♡

I've chosen 5 words which, for me, go together: Consistent, Confidence, Compassion, Community & Collaboration. ♡

A New Year's Day ritual for me is writing a letter to myself answering the following: what do I wish to carry with me from the previous year? What do I wish to let go or do differently this new year? What are my hopes for self, community, world? What intentions so I wish to send out (if any)? Grateful to have guided Artists Standing Stong Together through this ritual yesterday 🙏

Speaking of, I wish to facilitate and guide more sessions whether Kintsugi or letters or Steer Your Story for folks entering new life chapters ♡♡♡♡♡

With lots of love and excitement for your 2024, Kristin

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I went from making unrealistic resolutions to resisting making any at all, and this year i feel like I’ve settled somewhere in the middle. I do love this time of reflection and fresh starts.

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That sounds like a sensible and peaceful approach, Dacy. The middle is a good place to be, I am finding--you've made some progress in a particular direction but you can't predict the ending yet. And who likes predictable endings?

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Loved hearing about all these ways of honoring the rhythm of the transition from the old year to new year. And thanks for the shout out.

My word for the year is "bold." I am bold is the statement I want to live out, and what I want to remind myself of by embodying boldness is that I'm choosing abundance instead of avoidance💜.

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Bold is such a badass word, as is the statement. Love it! And yes, to abundance instead of avoidance!

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Loving your choice of compass word, which happens to be one of my supporting words! And thank you for referencing my article. I’m so glad it resonated and look forward to reading more of your writing. And to seeing how ‘abundance’ serves you this year 💛

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I love that phrase "compass word," it fits perfectly as our word of the year is meant to help us navigate, to steady that ship of life when the inevitable storms come along. Your article was wonderful and I loved the playlist. Glad that Emma introduced your writing to me and thank you for subscribing here!

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Sounds like you fully embraced 'manifest' and I'm excited to hear what 'abundance' brings! I'm so glad you managed to set yourself up to travel this year and start living your life for you as much as for everyone else. It isn't an easy decision, I know - Alzheimer’s has my whole family in its tight, terrible grip right now - but it's an empowering one, for all of you. Here's hoping my family can get there soon... Sending lots of love and get well soon wishes and lots of glorious and wonderful abundance! 💜

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Cassie, my heart breaks for you and your family's struggle with Alzheimer's; you are so right about its "tight, terrible grip." Since I've been sick I haven't been able to see Mom in memory care and I worry so about her. Thankfully my sister and her husband can stop by and see her and the staff keep me informed. It's not the same as hugging her myself, but soon I hope.

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Hug her extra for me, too, when you do get to see her. I'm actually on the other side of the world from mine (Australia vs UK) and it's getting so much harder to hold down a conversation, even though my main role is to keep her company twice a week on the phone for an hour or so at a time. My family are amazing and I do what I can to help, but it isn't easy having a life on the other side of the world and watching it all fall apart over there (it's young onset too, so almost extra hard, not that it's ever easy). I'm so glad you have your sister and her husband and a staff team who keep you informed though, that's truly wonderful! Must make it all so much easier 💜

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Oh this filled my heart, Amy! I love your approach here. The way you unpacked yourself to land on abundance - followed your intuition and heart to a word that settled onto you. May 2024 fill you up in all the ways your heart desires. I cherish your writing and can’t wait to read that book you are putting the finishing touches on. 💫💫

Thank you for the mention, here, to my Alphabet Atlas. I appreciate the shout out. 🙏🏼

And this: “Comparison is the cousin of scarcity—and abundance nudges them right out the door.” Lock that door, Amy! You don’t have to let them back in, ever.

I hope you are feeling some relief today. Continue to let yourself rest. 🫶

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Thank you Allison for the encouragement and support, which means so much to me. And yes, I am locking that door! As for rest, my body isn't give me a choice but to continue to do that today. Easing into the new year ever so slowly, now that I know there's an abundance of time:-)

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