Living in 3D: Divorce, Dementia and Destiny
Living in 3D: Divorce, Dementia and Destiny Podcast
Listen: The Improper Bohemians: Finding Love in Greenwich Village

Paid episode

The full episode is only available to paid subscribers of Living in 3D: Divorce, Dementia and Destiny

Listen: The Improper Bohemians: Finding Love in Greenwich Village

In 1959 my parents fell in love the night they met, in a bar called Cafe Bohemia in Greenwich Village and on the very same night my father proposed. It's too good a love story not to share.

Welcome to my personal voice-over for this week’s essay, exclusively for paid subscribers so you can listen on the go. Enjoy and don’t forget to leave a comment below and join the conversation!


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Living in 3D: Divorce, Dementia and Destiny
Living in 3D: Divorce, Dementia and Destiny Podcast
A midlife woman navigating gray divorce and dementia caregiving while defining destiny on her own terms. This is not where the story ends. The podcast is where you will find the audio versions of both weekly newsletters for paid subscribers.